A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So let's all choose to challenge.
How will your individual actions help forge a more inclusive world? Challenge bias. Call out inequality and stereotypes. Learn more about the 2021 International Women's Day campaign here!
As parents to 3 daughters, we find ourselves constantly challenging gender stereotypes to empower our girls. With that in mind, and to honor International Women’s Day, we are proud to introduce a very special roast, La Hondureña.
What makes La Hondureña so unique is that the beans come from an all-female cooperative in Honduras. the Asociacion De Mujeres Procesadoras De Cafe La Labor. The lot was produced in cooperation with the International Women's Coffee Alliance (IWCA), whose mission is to empower women in the international coffee community to achieve meaningful and sustainable lives.
To show continued support, we will donate 5% of total sales of La Hondureña during the month of March to the International Women's Coffee Alliance (IWCA).